Urgent Statement on the Refusal to Appoint New Members to the 25th Term of the Science Council of Japan

October 7, 2020

Board Members
The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology

Six out of 105 candidates nominated by the Science Council of Japan as council members of the 25th term of the Science Council of Japan have not been appointed by the prime minister, and, as of October 7, the specific reasons for this have not been made clear.

The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology has thus far, through the activities of its individual members, worked closely with the lifestyles of diverse peoples in the world and has clarified the diversity of human culture. This knowledge has been put to use in the recommendations, etc. of the Science Council of Japan toward the realization of a multicultural society.

This refusal to appoint the new members threatens the raison d'etre of the Science Council of Japan, which has put forward recommendations to the government on the premise of diverse academic standpoints. This may form an obstacle to the realization of a society that accepts diversity, which lies beyond academic freedom, and, by extension, the above-mentioned activities of our members. From this viewpoint, the Board Members of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology demand that the government disclose the specific reasons for the refusal of the appointment, and appoint the six new members.

[The English translation uploaded on December 2, 2020]

[Japanese Academic Societies Unite to Release a Joint Statement to Protect the Independence of the Science Council of Japan]
(uploaded on December 27, 2020)

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Produced by: Networking Committee,
Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology