Cultural Anthropological and Ethnological Studies in Japan

Cultural Anthropological and Ethnological Studies in Japan

Renewed on December 20, 2021

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The following is a list of Departments and Research Institutes in Japan where one may study cultural anthropology and/or ethnology at the postgraduate level or above. We have tried our best but the list is still not complete yet.

Hokkaido-Tohoku Area

Kanto Area

Chubu Area

Kinki Area

Chugoku-Shikoku-Kyushu-Okinawa Area

Hokkaido-Tohoku Area

Kanto Area

Chubu Area

Kinki Area

Chugoku-Shikoku-Kyushu-Okinawa Area

For institutions in Japan which wish to establish links here, please use the form in the Japanese version of the WWW pages.

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Produced by: Networking Committee,
Japanese Society of Ethnology
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